Being in business is like a game of chess



Agile, for Small Businesses

Agile, for Small Businesses

Agility is crucial for any business, regardless of the industry. Discover how principles from the software industry can help you implement agility and enhance efficiency in your own business.

Agility is crucial for any business, regardless of the industry. Discover how principles from the software industry can help you implement agility and enhance efficiency in your own business.

Aaron Fay

Founder & CEO of Cloudcraft Software

In the software industry, we have this concept of "Agile" (capital “A”).

Agile is a set of prescribed processes and behaviors that software teams adopt to become more, well, “agile.” It encompasses documented procedures and practices, forming an entire industry of books, coaches, courses, and certifications.

However, simply adopting a process or modeling a behavior doesn’t necessarily guarantee results. Thus, in software, we also have another agile (little “a”). This agile represents teams devising their own methods after "prescribed" approaches fail to deliver the desired outcomes. This is the “agile” that embodies true agility — favoring practices that work best for each unique team over prescribed processes.

Small Businesses Already Know Agile

Interestingly, small businesses inherently embody the principles of “agile,” whether they realize it or not. They constantly come up with ideas for products or services, handle marketing, manage administration, and keep operations lean to manage time and finances efficiently. This adaptability is often born out of necessity.

But what happens when these businesses start to outgrow the ad-hoc systems they've cobbled together? This is where insights from software development can be invaluable. In software, projects typically go through stages: from Prototype (or MVP) to Product, and eventually to Legacy Product. Each stage requires different methods for development and management.

During the Prototype stage, priorities shift rapidly based on feedback, and cycles are short. For established Products, the focus shifts to iteration and adding value, with less fundamental change to the system. Legacy Products require maintaining stability, addressing critical bugs, and minimizing downtime.

Every Business is a Software Business

In 2011, Marc Andreessen argued that every business is a software business, and this sentiment holds even more true in 2024. Software has permeated our daily lives to an unprecedented extent. However, the necessity to interact with numerous systems for business operations can become burdensome. To drive value into our businesses, we need to differentiate and codify custom processes for scaling while utilizing existing systems.

The challenge lies in transitioning from custom, manual processes to creating scalable, flexible systems that continuously deliver value. Just like in software processes, we may need to realize that in order to scale our business, we need to shift our method of operation.

For this shift, we can use Automation.

The Age of Automation

There has never been a more exciting time in software. With the emergence of various low/no-code software tools and workflow & automation platforms, the possibilities to leverage current software systems while building out custom workflows are nearly limitless. Let’s explore some popular tools for quickly creating custom applications and automated workflows:

  • & Zapier These tools allow you to connect separate systems, extract data, monitor spreadsheets, and create versatile workflows to move your data efficiently.

  • Airtable A combination of spreadsheet and database functionalities, Airtable enables you to set up rules and custom workflows to codify your business data processes quickly.

  • Softr A low-code tool that interfaces with Airtable, allowing you to build customer-facing interfaces with login and subscription options.

  • Retool Another low-code solution, more geared towards internal applications. Develop and deploy custom apps and interfaces rapidly.

Coupled with “cheap intelligence” (e.g., ChatGPT), workflows that were previously difficult to automate have now become almost trivial.

But What Do I Automate?

It might not be obvious initially, especially when you’re busy, but there are clear starting points for automation. Alex Hormozi states: “everything you need to do in business to be successful, you already know what it is, you’re just probably not doing it.” He refers to “the boring stuff,” which is a great place to start: Google Reviews, client conversations, intake processes, scheduling, marketing, reporting, training, etc.

Automations for Any Business

Let’s delve into a few examples in detail:

Automated Google Reviews
We recently worked with a client whose Google Business Profile had a 3.5-star average rating with about 1,000 reviews, half of which were negative. To improve their reputation, we implemented a system to collect more client contact details and automatically request reviews the day after their visit. Positive feedback was directed to Google for public reviews, while negative feedback was forwarded to the client for internal review. This not only improved their online rating but also provided immediate feedback to enhance customer experience.

Chat Automations (Powered by AI)
Businesses spend significant time talking to people, which shouldn’t change. However, time spent with “price shoppers” and “tire kickers” can be frustrating. Generative AI can power chat automations on your website or via SMS, interacting with potential customers, answering questions, and even setting up appointments. This saves time and provides a great customer experience. Internal-facing chatbots can also help staff get answers faster.

Marketing Automation
Developing marketing content on the day you want to post drains time and yields inconsistent results. Social media marketing agencies follow a systematic approach: assess your current state, determine goals, identify your audience, plan content, develop a schedule, manage engagement, and measure results. If you’re not getting consistent results, start by defining your goals and audience. Automation won’t handle the creative aspect, but it can schedule posts and automate intelligent replies to comments, saving time and improving efficiency.

Each of these examples addresses tasks that business owners know they need to do but often neglect due to time constraints or lack of knowledge.

A Few More Real-World Examples

Here are some recent examples where “cheap intelligence” (ChatGPT) has provided significant value:

Custom Document Parsing
We developed a system to save hours by parsing PDFs from an MLS service using ChatGPT, then automatically completing and publishing website listings to the realtor’s WordPress/Elementor site.

Custom Real Estate Search
Using AI, we extracted additional search information from documents in real-time, answering queries like “has mountain view” or “near the river.” This saved the agent hours of manual work.

Google Review Sentiment Analysis
We analyzed a client’s Google Reviews from the past 24 months, categorizing negative reviews by type, and set up monthly automated reporting for ongoing monitoring. This saved time and provided valuable customer insights.

AI-Powered SMS Concierge
For a high-ticket night club client, we developed an AI-powered concierge to handle orders and send notifications via SMS. The concierge could place and modify orders and answer inquiries about the menu, reducing staff workload and enhancing the customer experience.

SMS “Lunch Specials Post” Automation
A restaurant client needed to post regularly on social media but often forgot. We provided an SMS number to send a single photo from the restaurant, and the automation developed a Facebook post for approval. One click would post it to Facebook.

These are just a few examples to give you some some ideas.

Wrapping Up

Automations don't just save time and money, they also create a method for scaling processes internally in your business which improves onboarding time, reduces staff burden, and lets you focus on creative aspects of your business rather than mundane tasks. While generative AI won’t solve all your problems or run your business for you, it can be used strategically to free up time and add value through unique customer experiences and by leveraging its "cheap intelligence". And, with the plethora of automation and low-code tools available, the speed at which new systems can be prototyped and implemented has never been more greater than it is today.


Your technology partners. Armed with the power of Automation, AI, & the Internet to help you eliminate your business' hardest problems, fast.

Proudly Métis

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Cloudcraft Software Inc.


Your technology partners. Armed with the power of Automation, AI, & the Internet to help you eliminate your business' hardest problems, fast.

Proudly Métis

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Cloudcraft Software Inc.


Your technology partners. Armed with the power of Automation, AI, & the Internet to help you eliminate your business' hardest problems, fast.

Proudly Métis

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Cloudcraft Software Inc.


Your technology partners. Armed with the power of Automation, AI, & the Internet to help you eliminate your business' hardest problems, fast.

Proudly Métis

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Cloudcraft Software Inc.